Find His Dating Profile

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Unless you're in a seriously committed relationship, you probably have a dating profile somewhere in the internet universe. Maybe you're a kind of gal or an OkCupid kind of guy or perhaps you like to keep it mobile with Tinder, or the latest Hinge.

Whatever your vice, the commonality all of these match-making sites have is the user's profile. A picture on these applications is literally worth a thousand words, and it better be an excellent one because that's 80% of what we're first judging you on.

We're a superficial bunch, but it's the name of the game when it comes to online dating. At the very least, a decent photo will get your foot in the door (after that it's up to you not to be weird and divulge that you clip your toenails in bed..gross). A profile picture, however, one might argue enables 'less attractive' individuals to amp up their best assets in a controlled setting -- leave it up to the guy or girl to figure out later that your photo was actually taken a year and a half ago when you were fifteen pounds lighter, still tan from summer and looking fly.

InfoTracer is a good tool that lets you know if a person has a dating profile or not using his email adders, phone number, street address, or even username. When you sign up, you get access to a full report when there is a list of details like the per's relatives and their online profiles like Facebook and other sites. Go to your gmail inbox. You will notice a small widget on top of the inbox names as Clearbit. Select that and enter any name of the company and instantly the Clearbit chrome extension will find employees, their designations, email addresses and find hidden dating profiles on social networks and whose email address is this. Be Confident, Yet, Humble About What You Have to Offer a Date. A couple of studies published in. Run a simple email search and find email profiles on dating sites. Find out if someone has a dating hidden profile online by search his or her email address. Latest Email profiles found. Found on Hook-up site Hook-up by Annoymous from Florence Alabama 3 day(s) ago. You reused a cute username (or email address). Aliases and usernames have become a big part of.

It's really not that hard to do a little retouching and cropping, so why do we keep seeing terrible images of you grinning with food all over your face, trying to make a funny? Remember, we don't know you and we're taking everything literally here. It's not fair to assume that 'we'll get it' when there's a picture of you making out with your dog.

Look, we're on your side here. We're trying to help you actually score on this one. Your profile is your resume; it's your first impression before the interview. Here are the guidelines to creating a stellar, guaranteed to win dating profile picture. You can thank us later.

Supplement A Sunglasses Pic

If your main profile picture is one of you rocking shades, you better have a backup photo that clearly depicts what you look like without them. Wearing sunglasses is a cop-out; we all know that everyone looks cooler with them on. And if you're exceptionally unattractive, sunglasses have this weird way of masking your true identity -- they turn clowns into Clooneys.

Word of advice: upload a secondary snapshot of yourself to supplement that sunglasses picture. If you're good looking, it'll only help your cause. We just want to get a clear idea of what we're getting ourselves into, okay?

Stay Away From Baby Pictures

It's one thing to post a photo that's a few months old, it's entirely different to post one that's a few twenty years old. Wow, you were an adorable baby! So was everyone, and how the heck is this helping us determine if we're going to want you in our pants when you're still sucking on your mom's tits?

Find His Dating Profile
Find his dating profile online

Save the baby pictures for when you're eight months into the relationship, going back home with your girlfriend, and thinking it'll be fun for her to 'ooh' and 'ahh' over what you looked like when you were small. Baby pictures mean that you were cuter when you were five than you are now at twenty-five. Don't hide behind squishy cheeks and missing teeth; man up and show us who you really are. We're going to find out eventually anyway.

On That Note, Refrain From Any Babies. Period.

If you don't have your own personal child, then you probably shouldn't be posing with one. It's incredibly misleading and confusing for us to figure out -- is that your baby, your friend's baby, or a baby you found on the street and are holding as a prop? Either way, that sh*t ain't right.

Seriously though, what is the logic behind having a baby in your picture? Remember, these people don't know you and first impressions are everything. Crop that kid out if you think it's a nice solo shot of yourself. Are you deliberately trying to deceive us? While it's heart-warming to see a man cuddling a small child, don't forget that Michael Jackson did that too and we're still questioning his intentions..

Find his dating profile online

Crop Out Your Grandma

Posing with your grandma is dorky, plain and simple. Do you really not have any other friends that you have to use your grandma instead? We're not saying that your grandparents aren't cool people (they're admittedly some of the most awesome people around), but they really just don't belong on an online dating site. And, you're only hurting your cause by giving us a sneak peak of what you will look like in fifty years..which we're really trying to avoid thinking about as we're determining if we want to sleep with you (or not).

Find His Dating Profile Free

Grandma pictures are just really lame. If we were to use a sound instead of words to describe the feeling we get when we see you and your Nana arm-in-arm at graduation it'd be, 'womp womp womp.' Show us you've got a dick where that zipper is and get your Grammy outta there.

Bro-Fest In Every Photo

You might not be that attractive, but hey, your friends are! You think, 'why not exploit their good looks and pass them off as your own'? So you only post group shots of you and your boys as a way to obscure your true identity. Way to successfully cloud our ability to uncover which one you are. What is the point of creating a profile when you're not even owning up to who you are?

Here's how this is going to play out for you: women will either 1. Pass over you entirely because we don't know who you are and your half-decent friends aren't enough to entice us or 2. We'll start chatting you up in hopes that you'll introduce us to your hot friend. Either way you're going to lose out, so you might as well just reveal who you are before you're doubly insulted.

If your crew isn't even all that great, that group photo really jeopardizes everyone's reputation. It's like you're taking your friends down with you.

No More Drunken Action Shots

You went to a Mexican restaurant, wore a sombrero, and had worm-infested tequila poured down your throat -- LOL! Wow, you must be a really great time. Just kidding. That kind of debauchery might've impressed us when we were 19 and unable to drink legally, but now that we've already had dozens of those kinds of sloppy nights and know how they end..well, we're pretty much over it now. And it doesn't make you cooler that you're twenty-nine and still blacking out.

Save those funny photos for when we look you up on Facebook later. Remember, this is an interview. Would you want your future boss knowing that you got so drunk you face planted into slice of pizza on the side of the street? Not a good look. Are you trying to get passed over by every female? Clean it up, kiddo.

Abstain From Professional Photos

Not only does professional photography appear painfully rehearsed, but also chances are that you don't look like that in real life. The same way you tell your employer you know how to use Excel, but it turns out you're clueless, if you say you're 6'2' and muscular, we aren't going to be happy when we meet and you're 5'8' and scrawny. This isn't 'Catfish,' it's real-world dating and you're cheating.

The idea is to be consistent -- if you try to confuse us with a great professional photo mixed with a horrible one, we're going to completely skip you over because we know that you're falsely representing yourself. Don't try to impress us with a contemplative stance and an airbrushed, neutral background. Just do you, no need to bring in the pros.

Cut Out Your Ex

Are you trying to say that you're dating material by keeping that photo of you and your ex? All you're doing is allowing us to compare ourselves to her, decide that we are much, much better looking, and then contemplate (and seriously question) what kind of ass you pull.


Save the baby pictures for when you're eight months into the relationship, going back home with your girlfriend, and thinking it'll be fun for her to 'ooh' and 'ahh' over what you looked like when you were small. Baby pictures mean that you were cuter when you were five than you are now at twenty-five. Don't hide behind squishy cheeks and missing teeth; man up and show us who you really are. We're going to find out eventually anyway.

On That Note, Refrain From Any Babies. Period.

If you don't have your own personal child, then you probably shouldn't be posing with one. It's incredibly misleading and confusing for us to figure out -- is that your baby, your friend's baby, or a baby you found on the street and are holding as a prop? Either way, that sh*t ain't right.

Seriously though, what is the logic behind having a baby in your picture? Remember, these people don't know you and first impressions are everything. Crop that kid out if you think it's a nice solo shot of yourself. Are you deliberately trying to deceive us? While it's heart-warming to see a man cuddling a small child, don't forget that Michael Jackson did that too and we're still questioning his intentions..

Crop Out Your Grandma

Posing with your grandma is dorky, plain and simple. Do you really not have any other friends that you have to use your grandma instead? We're not saying that your grandparents aren't cool people (they're admittedly some of the most awesome people around), but they really just don't belong on an online dating site. And, you're only hurting your cause by giving us a sneak peak of what you will look like in fifty years..which we're really trying to avoid thinking about as we're determining if we want to sleep with you (or not).

Find His Dating Profile Free

Grandma pictures are just really lame. If we were to use a sound instead of words to describe the feeling we get when we see you and your Nana arm-in-arm at graduation it'd be, 'womp womp womp.' Show us you've got a dick where that zipper is and get your Grammy outta there.

Bro-Fest In Every Photo

You might not be that attractive, but hey, your friends are! You think, 'why not exploit their good looks and pass them off as your own'? So you only post group shots of you and your boys as a way to obscure your true identity. Way to successfully cloud our ability to uncover which one you are. What is the point of creating a profile when you're not even owning up to who you are?

Here's how this is going to play out for you: women will either 1. Pass over you entirely because we don't know who you are and your half-decent friends aren't enough to entice us or 2. We'll start chatting you up in hopes that you'll introduce us to your hot friend. Either way you're going to lose out, so you might as well just reveal who you are before you're doubly insulted.

If your crew isn't even all that great, that group photo really jeopardizes everyone's reputation. It's like you're taking your friends down with you.

No More Drunken Action Shots

You went to a Mexican restaurant, wore a sombrero, and had worm-infested tequila poured down your throat -- LOL! Wow, you must be a really great time. Just kidding. That kind of debauchery might've impressed us when we were 19 and unable to drink legally, but now that we've already had dozens of those kinds of sloppy nights and know how they end..well, we're pretty much over it now. And it doesn't make you cooler that you're twenty-nine and still blacking out.

Save those funny photos for when we look you up on Facebook later. Remember, this is an interview. Would you want your future boss knowing that you got so drunk you face planted into slice of pizza on the side of the street? Not a good look. Are you trying to get passed over by every female? Clean it up, kiddo.

Abstain From Professional Photos

Not only does professional photography appear painfully rehearsed, but also chances are that you don't look like that in real life. The same way you tell your employer you know how to use Excel, but it turns out you're clueless, if you say you're 6'2' and muscular, we aren't going to be happy when we meet and you're 5'8' and scrawny. This isn't 'Catfish,' it's real-world dating and you're cheating.

The idea is to be consistent -- if you try to confuse us with a great professional photo mixed with a horrible one, we're going to completely skip you over because we know that you're falsely representing yourself. Don't try to impress us with a contemplative stance and an airbrushed, neutral background. Just do you, no need to bring in the pros.

Cut Out Your Ex

Are you trying to say that you're dating material by keeping that photo of you and your ex? All you're doing is allowing us to compare ourselves to her, decide that we are much, much better looking, and then contemplate (and seriously question) what kind of ass you pull.

If your ex happens to be exceptionally pretty, still opt to leave out those kissy, couples holding each other by the lake photos. They creep us out. Why are you bringing her up before date five, let alone before we even meet you!? Not to mention, you kind of look like a chump for still holding on to photos of the two of you. We all have skeletons in the closet, and until Halloween comes, they should remain there.


There's a special place for selfies on social media and they don't belong on dating websites. No photo taken 2 feet away from your face will turn out flattering or enticing. You look like a goon and this is isn't helping advance your singledom. Selfies do a really great job of making you look stupid even when you're not trying to be.

Like a in job interview, you have to take yourself seriously or else others won't. Selfie snapshots ruin credibility right off the bat. Do yourself a favor and have someone take the photo for you.

Cool It With The Costumes

You took your shirt off on Halloween because you knew you could get away with it. Guess what: your half-eaten four-pack dressed up in an Aladdin costume isn't sexy. What are you? Four? We're not trying to hook up with Batman, we're trying to hook up with a human being. Save the weird outfits for MySpace.

More often than not, you aren't dressed in some ridiculous costume, so why make that one of the only pictures we get to see of you? It's nice that you think you're Superman, but to us you just look silly. Take off the mask, it's not helping your cause.


You can tell a lot about a guy by what he has on his dating profile because what a guy decides to put on there has everything to do with the kind of person he is. If the guy you're about to swipe right with on Tinder has any of these 14 things on his dating profile, I'm going to go ahead and make a bold declaration: he's definitely no good. My time dating app.

He Only Has Group Pictures.
There's nothing wrong with having a couple group pictures on your dating profile. Maybe, for whatever reason, he's not the kind of narcissist who spends a lot of time taking pictures of himself. That's fine, but having nothing but group pics is annoying because it's hard for swipers (AKA you) to know who the hell he is. He doesn't like taking selfies? He's weird.

He Only Has Pictures Of Himself.
Having nothing but group pics is annoying, but so is having nothing but selfies. Like, does he not have any friends? Family? Why is he always alone? What is he hiding? It also makes you wonder if those photos are actually of him or if he's stolen them from another stranger on the internet.

He's Basically Naked In Every Picture.
Okay, so he has some selfies on his profile. What kind of selfies are they? Are they mirror pictures of him shirtless at the gym that he's clearly saved via Snapchat and uploaded onto his dating profile? Pass!

There Are Girls In His Pictures.
Sure, he could be posing with his sister or maybe a young aunt but you don't know that for sure. For all you know, the woman he's hugging is his ex-girlfriend, current girlfriend, or recent sex buddy. Real talk: Why would he post a picture with another girl on his dating profile? It's like he's already trying to make you jealous.

There's A Baby In His Picture.
Honestly, if he's a single dad, he needs to hop off Tinder and sign up for eHarmony. If he's not a dad and that baby isn't his, why the hell is it (sorry, he or she) in one of his pictures?

His Bio Is Too Short.
Most dating apps (at least last time I checked) require you to put a little something in the bio. Now, I'm not saying his bio has to be lengthy and filled with an impressive vocabulary but it should have enough information on it for you to understand who he is (or at least who he's posing to be). If all his bio says is, 'Nice guy,' I'm going to take a wild guess and assume he's not a nice guy. Run!

He Talks With Emojis.
Emojis are meant to work with words, not in place of them. If his bio consists of nothing but emojis, he sucks. And if his bio has a few words but he also puts a peace sign emoji, a middle finger emoji, the avocado emoji, the tongue emoji, or any other tool-ish emoji, he also sucks.

He Can't Seem To Spell.
Once again, his bio doesn't have to be a Shakespearean novel but if it's riddled with spelling errors, go ahead and swipe left. Do you really want a guy who can't spell? Especially because it wasn't like he had to quickly get this bio up. He had time to write a little draft, maybe send it to some friends to review, and then post it. All of that and you're telling me he still has spelling errors?! Ugh, no thank you.

His Bio Says, 'I'm Here To Find Love.'
Calm down, guy. This isn't 'The Bachelor.' Anyone who says that is either lying or desperate, and neither one is a good look.

His Bio Says, 'I'm Not Here For Hookups.'
That's nice of him to say but it's also a little unnecessary because 1) he's clearly here for hookups and 2) HE'S HERE FOR HOOKUPS!

He Mentions His Height.
If his bio includes his race, gender, height, weight, etc. he's doing the most. Clearly from his pictures, you can see that he's a skinny white guy with more fat than muscle. WTF is the point of that?

He Uses The Word 'Entrepreneur.'
Raise your hand if you're tired of guys identifying themselves as ENTREPRENEURS. Everyone's hand should be raised because what does that even mean? 'Entrepreneur.' It should mean that he owns his own company but that's rarely, if ever, the case. For whatever reason, people call themselves 'entrepreneurs' because it sounds better than 'unemployed.'

How To Find Someone's Dating Profile

He References His College Life.
If 'Jake' is 26-years-old but has his fraternity symbol in his bio OR some of his pictures are of him in college with his frat, 'Jake' has a problem. And we can guarantee you it's not a problem you can, or would want, to fix.

He's Trying Too Hard.
Take a hard look at his dating profile as a whole. Look at all of his pictures, his bio, and just the entire vibe he's created for himself. Does it seem like he's trying too hard to convince swipers that he's a 'good guy'? Trust your gut—if something about his face and words seems disingenuous, swipe left until you find a real one!

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